Jonathon Adam
(YOG 2006)
Title:Digital Product Manager
Co. Name:Reece Group

Current Industry Experience
Retail Trade
Occupation Fields
Information & Communication Technology
Previous Industry Experience
Retail Trade
Previous Occupation Fields
Information & Communication Technology
Tertiary Level/Institution/Subject Category/Major
  • Graduate Certificate/Diploma
    Swinburne Uni:
    Creative Arts
    Major: Multimedia
Subjects studied at Year 12
English IT - Applied Computing IT – Software Devmt Media Outdoor & Environ Studies Product Design - Wood Vis Comm & Design
What do you love about your job?

Help people by using technology to solve problems for them.

What career advice would you give to your younger self?

Discovering what you love to do and how to get paid for it is more important than job security. Don't be afraid to fail, for every failure is a lesson learnt.




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