Who We Are

Our Vision:Inspiring Yarra's past and present communities with the opportunity to connect, benefit and contribute
Our Purpose: Pride and support shared by past and present Yarra communities
Our Values:Connecting, Community, Opportunity, Inspiring, Adding Value, Supporting

All past students of Yarra Valley Grammar become life members of the past student association, Yarra Old Grammarians (YOG). YOG’s vision is to inspire Yarra’s past and present students to connect, benefit and contribute. Connect with their school roots here at Yarra; remain in contact with their School friends, the School and current students. Benefit from their ongoing involvement in the life of the School and contribute to the School community through their own pride in and appreciation for Yarra by giving back to the current students; inspiring and adding value to them.

The Yarra Old Grammarians is managed by a volunteer team of past students who meet two to four times per year.

Yarra Old Grammarians Volunteer Committee:

Elise OlsenPresident, YOG 2017
Andrew GaythorpeVice President, YOG 1982, and Past Parent of Ben (YOG 2015), Will (YOG 2017) & Matthew (YOG 2020)
Martin WatsonTreasurer, YOG 1984
Jeremy IrvineSecretary, YOG 1992
Committee Members:
Rod PenalunaYOG 1990
Emma-Rose ParsonsYOG 1998
Tim PottageYOG 2004
Will SolanoYOG 2024

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